OUTing The Past 2019 Festival Programme: Manchester


OUTing the Past 2019 is coming to Manchester at the People’s History Museum on Sunday, the 10. February. Check out the Festival Programme below!

11:00 – 12:00 - LGBT+ History month guided tour - PHM is once again the Manchester hub for OUTing the Past, the nationwide festival of LGBT history. Join this guided tour of PHM’s main galleries and discover how the history of gender and sexuality has been affected by society, politics and activism over the past 200 years.

12:00 – 12:30 - Sacha Coward – Mermaids a Twist in the Tale - Sacha Coward will use his time working at the National Maritime Museum and his newfound obsession with ‘mermaid hunting’ to tell a story that spans centuries and identities; In it he will discover secret same-sex love letters, a Sapphic relationship between an artist and her muse and of course the story behind the much beloved but poorly understood Walt Disney classic.
Prepare to rethink mermaids!

12:30 – 1:00 - Abigail Ward – From Stonewall to Oldham Street: Jayne County – The First Transgender Rock Star - This short talk by Abigail Ward will highlight keys moments in Jayne’s life, whilst celebrating her enormous influence on glam, punk and 80s pop. It will feature previously unheard interview clips and of photos of Jayne’s time in Manchester, courtesy of guitarist Paul Wainwright.

1:00 – 2:00 - Jen Yockney – The Manchester Bees of LGBT History - Discussing the history of bi organising in the UK & Manchester over the past 25 years. Biphoria are the UK’s longest-running bi organisation and will have a stall full of bi resources & bi history resources at PHM throughout the day.

2:15 – 3:00 - Sue Sanders – History of Schools OUT UK; Section 28 as I experienced it - Sue Sanders discusses the history of Schools OUT UK & Section 28, “We need to know how we need to be vigilant and have ideas on how to resist.”

3:00 – 4:20 - First Rumours: A new play about Peter Tatchell - Join us for a free first glimpse of First Rumours, a new play by PHM’s award winning Playwright in Residence Stephen M Hornby. The play focuses on Peter Tatchell’s contested candidacy for the Labour Party in London in the early 1980s, which saw the biggest voter swing in modern political history following an extremely homophobic campaign.

After this rehearsed reading there will be a Q&A with Peter Tatchell, facilitated by LGBT activist and historian Paul Fairweather.

Tickets here!
Read more about it here!

Jenny Ardrey