OUTing The Past 2019 Festival Programme: Belfast


Launch Event: Belfast Harbour Commissioner’s – Friday March 8th 5pm
Paper Presentations: Ulster Museum – Saturday March 9th 10am-5pm

10.15am - Rainer Schulze - “Through Science Toward Justice”: Magnus Hirschfeld, pioneering advocate of LGBTIQ rights in the early 20th century

10.45am - Hillary Mc Collum - Public and private lesbian worlds in the 1920s

11.15am - Tonie Walsh - Community Centres as the Foundation Blocks of LGBT Liberation

11.45am - Kate Drinane - Irish LGBT+ History in the National Gallery of Ireland

12.15pm - Tom Hulme - The Soldier, the Constable, his Prisoner and his Lover: Queer Belfast During the First World War

12.45pm - Nadine Gilmore - The Gay Liberation Society, c.1971-1974

1.15pm - LUNCH - LUNCH

2.00pm - Sacha Coward - Mermaids: A Powerful Queer Symbol

2.30pm - Kate Hutchinson - Are We Nearly There Yet? A History of Trans Rights Activism in the UK

3.00pm - Cathal Kerrigan - The Politics of AIDS

3.30pm - Sue Sanders - History of Schools OUT UK; Section 28 as I Experienced It

4.00pm - Richard O’Leary - The Faithful Underground: Gay Christian Activism in Northern Ireland 1976-2016

4.30pm - Geraldine Alexander - LGBT Rights as a Trade Union Issue – NIPSA’s Journey

For further information check out cara-friend.org.uk

Jenny Ardrey